TEFL Blog Update: Where Are They Now?

bighaim-7143651.jpgThe TEFL Logue has been around since the end of August; since that time I have linked to what seems like a gigantic number of blogs, sites, and news stories. I thought this holiday weekend might be a good time to take a look at some of those blogs and see what their authors are up to now (and I must say I think and hope they are all doing better than Corey Haim):

  • Grammarman, the creation of EFL teacher Brian Boyd, has found himself reviewed in English Teaching Professional. He looks pleasantly surprised and proud (in a modest, superhero way) to me.
  • Breaking News English, which, to be fair, is not really a blog, continues providing engaging and sometimes provocative readings and listenings based on current events – all of it adapted with vocabulary, comprehension, and discussion questions.
  • Guy Courchesne, over at This Guy Is Teaching Abroad, has broken his foot so send him some quick-recovery-wishes. He continues to provide readers with insights into TEFL including speaking example for the iBT TOEFL.
  • Gdog at The Daily Kimchi has been busy: celebrating his twenty-fifth birthday, getting a haircut and claiming a perfectly good chair left on the side of the road (I must confer that this is a good strategy) for his own. He has also been waiting for the day when he eats live octupus (and do check out the YouTube video. I couldn’t finish it.). Can the TEFL Logue request an exclusive when this happens?
  • The blogger over at Where In The World Is Gwannel Sandiego? has arrived in Moscow and is having mixed experiences teaching.
  • TedKarma of TEFLDaddy fame continues to stay warm in Thailand. I think he’s too good of a guy to gloat as the rest of the world starts experiencing winter, but in his place…I just might gloat. His site remains an excellent resource for people interested in TEFL in general and in Korea or Thailand specifically.
  • The American blogger in Ulsan has just celebrated Thanksgiving.
  • The EFL teacher in Sudan is coming into contact with a whole host of interesting people, organizations, and ideas.
  • Sue at ELT Notebook has also been keeping busy providing readers with an astonishing amount of practical tips and activities as well as methodological discussion. (I’m not sure if methodological is a word though, sorry.)
  • If I’ve linked to you in the past and you’ve got news to share, let me know here.