Top 10: Peace Corps Blogs And Other Resources

If you’re looking for a high profile way to teach in a developing country, you’ve probably heard about the Peace Corps. What better way to find out if it’s for you than by following a few blogs. As you’ll see on the main page of each…although the Peace Corps is a part of the US Government, these blogs are the comments of individuals and not the US Government.

In no particular order, here are some Peace Corps blogs I found both interesting and current:

1. Bulgaria
2. Thailand
3. South Africa
4. Guinea
5. Bangladesh…to Ukraine
6. Nepal
7. Togo
8. Samoa
9. Not a blog but neato: A collection of Peace Corps Volunteer photos.
10. Peace Corps Writers

Also check out the TEFL Logue on the Peace Corps, the Peace Corps TEFL training materials, and why not the official Peace Corps site itself.