Around The Web On TEFL: July 27
- A community college ESL instructor considers some common difficulties faced by ESL learners in “regular” (non-ESL) classes, and how – or even if – instructors can address these.
- Not exactly EFL…but if you’re headed to China, the insights of some Chinese high school students who recently visited the US may be useful.
- Your burning questions about Globish – the 1500-word international language – answered.
- A “foreign take” on the role English should play in Japanese primary schools, written by a professor of Japanese language in Delhi, India.
- The tale of a 64-year-old Canadian teacher: TEFL has taken her to five different countries in the last ten years.
- The paper or plastic debate makes on volunteer ESL teacher reminisce about tutoring some Bosnian refugees.
- Malta is a – perhaps surprising – hotspot for young people throughout the world who come to attend short English language courses in the summer; their presences is becoming less of a blessing for tourists with more typical holiday agendas.
- The Education Guardian wonders if Vietnam is the “new Spain” for EFL teachers.