Christmas At The TEFL Logue

santarudolph1.jpgFirst off, I’d like to wish a happy and healthy holiday season to my readers and all those who have helped make this logue happen – be it through posting a comment, participating in an interview, running an awesome blog of their own that I can link to, or answering my questions.

In just a few days now, the TEFL Logue will be logueing live from Turkey. It will be my first Christmas away from home, which will definitely be strange, but I’m looking forward to doing some unusual but, I like to think, Katie-esque things in that fascinating country. I’ll do my best to keep providing my readers with both timely and timeless TEFL-oriented posts, perhaps with a few on the ground reports from Istanbul thrown in.

If you’re feeling a little bit lost without the regular stream of three TEFL Logue posts a day, add a few of my favorite blogs to your list and check them out if I’m slow:

Sue, over at An ELT Notebook, who’s been invited to next year’s TEFL Logue Thanksgiving dinner, will be sure to have up at least a few in-depth, in the classroom type posts, and Guy Courchesne who Is Teaching Abroad will most certainly be up to something either comical, political or discussion-provoking, though exactly what is anyone’s guess. Right now he is looking for some gifts.

I’ll admit to checking The Daily Kimchi nearly every day (isn’t that the idea, though?), but Gdog will be jaunting off to some exotic location or other, so you’ll have to make do with some of his older posts. I’ve used all of my advertising prowess to try to sneak in and “borrow” some of his readers while he’s away…let’s see if it works!

The bloggers I follow from the Sudan and Mexico don’t update quite as frequently, but I’m pretty psyched when they do. If you’re as crazy about ex-Yugoslavia as I am, you should probably try Fearfully Made (from my favorite city in Europe, Sarajevo!) and LSUA in Montenegro. ESL Pundit is also packed with a variety of posts on some pretty thought-provoking topics. will keep you up to date on TEFL news.

And if all else fails, you can be sure to find at least one or two provocative debates at Dave’s ESL Café.