Spotlight On Spain

bullrunning1.jpgThe home of tapas, flamenco dancing, and best of all the siesta. The country which contains Sevilla, where the current temperature is 52 Degrees Fahrenheit! Possibly the only place on earth where you can run with the bulls, be pummeled by tomatoes, and find abundant work teaching English…especially if you have a passport from an EU country (for the teaching, that is; the bulls and tomato throwers don’t check).

Though work regulations are complex, they in effect mean that it’s nearly impossible for those without citizenship in an EU country to find legal work. So what can you do in Spain if you can’t work there?

Well, to start with, there is nothing stopping you from doing your TEFL course in Sevilla or Madrid through the LanguageCorps TESOL training program – where you can receive the Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.

But wait! Don’t leave just yet if you lack a passport from an EU country.

With a Canadian or US passport, you can work as a Language Assistant in a public primary or secondary school through CIEE’s Teach In Spain program (you do have to speak Spanish for this though).

And if you’re from the UK, Ireland, or another EU country…you are legally eligible for nearly any English teaching job and would do well to check out Madrid

For some insight on the CELTA from a school in Barcelona, check out the CELTA course site from IH Barcelona.

Finally, for some more food for thought, check out Culinaria Spain, Culture Shock Spain, Spanish Lessons: Beginning A New Life In Spain, or the classic Travelers Tales Spain.

Looking for an instant fix without leaving your computer? Check out some Bootsnall Travel Stories about Spain. Read about one of my favorites – Sevilla – or join this author for a run with the bulls in Ronda (well, okay, not really)! Or, experience your arrival in Zuheros, Spain for the first time here.